Another story about low accuracy from the privacy-invasive tech,” the report said. “Facial recognition technology is under scrutiny again after the technology led to the mistaken arrest of a man in Georgia on a fugitive warrant out of a state he has never been to.”
Wait until they start using AI and facial recognition to apprehend “suspects”. There was already a report about authorizing the use of deadly force by armed robots. Just another way to reduce the population. “Oh, wrong suspect. Oops, my bad”.
I think the BAD guys will do what they always do…wear a mask ( ski mask )
Hey, if they mandate masks again, wear a Lone Ranger mask with the face diaper that has “useless” written on it .
Not only will it foil Facial Recognition, it will trigger the Branchies.
I like it. Not only did he have a cool mask but his bullets were made of “Silver”.