Transgender Guidelines May “Destroy” Women’s Sports, According To Female Olympians
“Athletes should be allowed to compete in the category that best aligns with their self-determined gender identity,” the International Olympic Committee (IOC) declares in its Dec. 16 position paper.
The effects could be far-reaching because the IOC sets the tone for sports in community groups, high schools, and universities across the globe.
With the latest update, the IOC was trying to further explain the controversial transgender-related principles that the organization issued in November 2021. That document declared “no presumption of advantage” for male-to-female competitors, triggering a backlash.
Yamauchi interpreted the IOC’s update this way: “We will destroy your sports, Ladies, but you are so totally worthless we won’t bother asking your views.”
There would be no left wing governments in the west save the consistent votes from women. Keep voting for totalitarians ladies, and you will all be the bitches Margret Atwood fantasized about.
Good Point Strider….This should make them think ( for a change) one would hope…right ?