Very interesting poll, the one in the image posted; it’s almost as if the tipping point is merely a matter of public opinion. Over 50% against covid measures and the governments start to retreat. I’ll bet Saskatchewan broke their 50% sooner and that’s why they’re the first to –at least consider– dropping all restrictions. Then Quebec dropping the outrageous vax tax –they’re the second highest number in the poll. And now Alberta talking about similar things, and they’re the third highest. I’ll bet it’s just a matter of time before Ontario, then BC and then Manitoba do the same –based on this pattern of the majority of citizens wanting to end covid measures. The Maritimers are a class all their own, or maybe just a few months behind?
The real question is will governments stop the injections and admit they’re toxic and killing people? I suspect the “convoy of coffins” will make that happen soon enough. Nobody can stop what the injections have already started. People might get emotional and politically active for the cause of freedom, but they’re going to get a lot more radical when their family members start dying.
Very interesting poll, the one in the image posted; it’s almost as if the tipping point is merely a matter of public opinion. Over 50% against covid measures and the governments start to retreat. I’ll bet Saskatchewan broke their 50% sooner and that’s why they’re the first to –at least consider– dropping all restrictions. Then Quebec dropping the outrageous vax tax –they’re the second highest number in the poll. And now Alberta talking about similar things, and they’re the third highest. I’ll bet it’s just a matter of time before Ontario, then BC and then Manitoba do the same –based on this pattern of the majority of citizens wanting to end covid measures. The Maritimers are a class all their own, or maybe just a few months behind?
The real question is will governments stop the injections and admit they’re toxic and killing people? I suspect the “convoy of coffins” will make that happen soon enough. Nobody can stop what the injections have already started. People might get emotional and politically active for the cause of freedom, but they’re going to get a lot more radical when their family members start dying.