On Wednesday morning, Israelis awoke to learn that a fourth COVID shot would be made available imminently to all those over 60. No context. No information as to why a fourth shot was even being considered.

“What we are witnessing is a spectacle of political leaders — in Israel and elsewhere — guided by vanity, not principle. They have enjoyed two years of public acquiescence to the unprecedented use of unchecked power in peace-time. They have confused public compliance, up to now, with their brilliance in managing COVID, which they persist in likening, two years on, to the Bubonic Plague.

What so many leaders — including Bennett, as well as Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and British Prime Minister Boris Johnson — fail to understand is that there is now a directly inverse relationship between public trust and their increasingly tyrannical tendencies. The public’s good faith has been exploited for brazen political gain. Again and again.”
