“One of the topics covered in the Infants Act is the health care of children. The Infants Act states that children may consent to a medical treatment on their own as long as the health care provider is sure that the treatment is in the child’s best interest, and that the child understands the details of the treatment, including risks and benefits. It is up to the health care provider to assess and ensure the child’s understanding of the treatment.”

Parents have NO RIGHTS to interfere in a decision made between a minor and health care official AND “The immunization records of any child who gives their own consent will not be shared with the parent or guardian, unless the child gives permission.”




  1. If you live in Canada – please check YOUR provincial legislation to see if similar legislation  “slipped through the cracks” unnoticed
  2. An alternative title for the new legislation could have been “ WE ARE COMING FOR YOUR CHILDREN AND THERE ISN’T A DAMN THING YOU CAN DO TO STOP US