Again from Jeff Childes : THIS IS STUNNING !

The Wall Street Journal published an article yesterday headlined, “Antidepressant Significantly Reduces Covid-19 Hospitalization.” The subhead says, “Patients who received the low-cost and widely available fluvoxamine were far less likely to be hospitalized in a clinical trial.” The headline understates what the researchers actually found.

The article was reporting on a study published in the Lancet yesterday, titled “Effect of early treatment with fluvoxamine on risk of emergency care and hospitalisation among patients with COVID-19: the TOGETHER randomised, platform clinical trial.” A randomized clinical trial. In other words, the GOOD KIND of study. The “gold standard.”

The researchers found that Covid patients who got a ten-day course of fluvoxamine were 66% less likely to be hospitalized than those in the placebo group and 91% less likely to die. Let me say that again. A NINETY ONE PERCENT REDUCTION IN DEATH RATES.

The researchers said they presented their research to the National Institutes of Health and World Health Organization. But guess what? The puppy torturers at the NIH said they couldn’t approve the drug — a drug with no serious side effects — for treatment of Covid. No way. They need MORE evidence. Now, they don’t need “more evidence” to jab kids, but that’s a different story.

Fluvoxamine only costs $4 for a full course of COVID-19 treatment. Four bucks. But can it treat horses?

Stay with me here. Fluvoxamine is an SSRI used to treat OCDs and depression. In other words, it treats MENTAL ILLNESS. Depression and obsessive-compulsion are mental problems arising from anxiety — fear. The NIH’s scientists have been studying how to induce fear in primates since 2015, by torturing monkeys and doing despicable brain experiments on them. So they know a lot about fear and anxiety. You’d think they would see the connection.

And, the CDC just promoted “depression and anxiety disorders” to right under obesity as an indicator for high risk of serious Covid infection and death. There’s a proven link between fear and serious Covid infection. And now, researchers are learning that a MOOD STABILIZER could prevent a LOT of serious Covid illness and almost all deaths.

The article notes that “scientists are still unsure of exactly how it works against Covid-19.” They’re baffled. But, do you remember how I told you I think the real pandemic is a pandemic of mental illness? Call Fluvoxamine exhibit number 913.

A valid hypothesis lets you make accurate predictions. Using my theory, I’ll predict that other antidepressants will work too. I’ll predict prozac will show the same amazing results for treating Covid. Let’s see.