This is the hill to die on.

Once the Vaccine Passport is accepted by the population, we will be forced to comply with all future mandates or lose our freedom to participate in society or even be cancelled.  The common messaging worldwide is strong but we must be stronger.  It has never been about health.  Never!  Fear, compliance and control!

The US is the key but all Five Eyes members are the targets of the agenda.  Take us down and then the rest of the world will fall.

Our PHOs and Politicians have all fallen prey to The Great Reset knowingly or through being sheep and following the herd.

As I have said before, I have lost all trust in the medical, media, politicians and Pubic Health.   Why should we comply with their evil demands which only we can give consent.  It’s time we stand against them united, both the jabbed and unjabbed.  Only the blind do not see the end game.  We need to unite.  We can stop it now if we unite.