The facts are on Team Reality’s side. But we need more than facts. We need to highlight individual cases to make sure people understand the dangers of the path we’re own.

What’s especially bizarre is that the rules discriminating against unvaccinated people have taken off just as it has become obvious that vaccinated people spread Covid too. The rules have no health or safety justification – they are simply meant to try to force vaccines on the unwilling, to create two classes of people, those who will obey and those who will not.

When you’re talking to your friends or colleagues about vaccines, ask them if this is the puritanical, judgmental society they want. And I know a sadly surprising number of them will say yes. They believe in choice for everyone, everywhere – except your right to make your own medical decisions about Covid.

But many others will not. I believe most people just haven’t thought through the implications here. They can be reached. And you can help.