Facebook and Twitter
Um…Why does anybody in their right mind use these two ridiculous “social” media tools ? Anti Social is a better description .
They seem to be ubiquitous . And they definitely are pathetically controlled by a holes and morons.
Years ago I actually was interested in a FB account. When i tried to sign up I got a message that i had been banned…..huh ?
That was a blessing…never tried again
If all of us “conservatives” would just stop using the Twit and F Bk it wouldn’t be a problem any more.
You wanna talk to your “people”…just get them on an email list
Playing in these cretin’s sandbox will get you shit on your hands and sand in your eyes
Just quit . What’s the big hairy deal with these damn things anyhow.
Certainly agree regarding FB. The claimed founder Zuck so creeps me out I could never use his product. Regarding Twitter, Dorsey creeps me out as well, but I do find some posts about mining helpful… Maybe I should reconsider
I was thinking the same and how they have pushed it into the business community. ‘Like us on f/ and ‘tweet’ has to replaced. Linked in has soured as well. Can only be a bonus for companies to advertise that they are anti f/b & twitter. Business ran just fine with the old answering machine !
The propaganda machine has only just started. Hitler started positioning in 1933, and it was not until 1944, 11 year later, that the death camps reached their peak. So based on the fact that humans behave the same way throughout history, 1932 is when we should expect peak madness and peak evil.
They are just getting started. The final act is a decade away. Between now and then we should see a massive depopulation series of events to unfold.