Gunmen Foiled Trying to Rob Camera Crew — During Interview of Crime Prevention Chief at City Hall
The headline alone is worthy of posting — low long will the country be allowed to deteriorate into 3rd world status?
The headline alone is worthy of posting — low long will the country be allowed to deteriorate into 3rd world status?
” low long will the country be allowed to deteriorate into 3rd world status?” As long as the Dems are in control. All the way to the bottom if they get their way.
Even back in the 1970s I was suggesting that the US was starting to turn 3d world in the deterioration of infrastructure etc.
However I was wrong in the analogy. I got it a bit better a decade or so later. I was saying that the US was aiming towards the worst of 2 worlds. In much of the 3d world things don’t work, but no one expects them to so at least you often have a pleasant relaxed atmosphere. Half hour late? Well of course the bus never came. Nothing ever works, ha ha. At least in some of the less oppressed parts of society. Whereas in the US the bus service got worse and worse, many things seemed to get worse and worse, people got edgier and edgier, things got more and more dangerous–but you were still expected to arrive on time and have things exactly right. Worst of 2 worlds.
You also got increased idiocification of the populace. All this screen crap (on top of any poisoning by chemicals poor diet etc). All the services tend to be worse. Blacks – thinking about getting better in their station – were instead (many of them) seduced into garbage culture that was pushed on them as they were oppressed by incredibly horrible schools (with exceptions!). Many fewer private black doctors now than before for example. Ramped up divide and rule — tell D’s to hate R’s vice versa while putting up asinine actors and celebrity idiots and psychopaths as candidates, different ethnic gruoups to hate each other etc etc — completely obfuscate etc etc — main taboo is though to talk about any central issues — or talk about oligarch privilege. This isn’t 3d world. This is advanced destruction of society from above by divide and rule and fear operations. Sorry no time to describe better but just look around for the big picture.
What the tip-top authorities want however is rather clearly not world 1 or world 3. Efficiency for them. People and things serving them. To perfection.