Get that ? ……CONTROL

And how do you control a Disease ? Control the “tests”

Now that there are so many “Breakthrough” cases…(Cases found in Vaxxed People)…

They are going to turn down the “Volume” on the PCR Tests…

We know that anything over 30 cycles gives massive numbers of false Positives

If you read Goldtent you know this last Summer ! Grouchy Fauchi even admitted it ! But never did anything about it

That was a GOOD thing when they wanted to Control this disease UPWARD to Control YOU and I.

But now they want to Control the Numbers to show that the vaxx works…they NEED the numbers DOWN !

They are now specifying CT values for vaccinated individuals. It’s nice to see that the CDC is specifying cycle threshold, as mentioned above, for vaccinated individuals. It simply makes the detection of “positive” cases much more accurate and, as explained above, the chances of a false positive far are less when doing so. But the concern is, the testing of vaccinated individuals with this cycle threshold is less likely to reveal false positives, yet prior to the rollout of the vaccine there is reason to believe that the cycle threshold was 35 or higher, as mentioned earlier in the article. Why all of a sudden change it for vaccinated individuals? Does this mean that those who are unvaccinated will still be tested at a cycle threshold that is more likely return a false positive? Does this mean that unvaccinated individuals are likely to test positive more so than vaccinated ones, not as a result of the test but rather the cycle threshold used?