I very much appreciated Rambus’ recap on his money management strategy over the weekend.  I’ve been a sub for years and noticed his position size was always about $5000 but never knew the big picture.  Now I do and also now that TD Ameritrade, which I use, has gone to zero commissions, there is no reason not to limit individual trades to 5% and buy and hold many more positions than I used to.  How can anyone argue with Rambus’ long term, multi-decade track record? I got into ERX and SOXL with Rambus and plan to catch up on the other existing leveraged trades on a pullback. I WILL NOT get into any PM or Kamikazi trades until Rambus does and from there, I am going to let Rambus watch and worry about the markets. He’s waaaay better at this than I am.

BTW, if any snowflakes are triggered by my use of the term “Religiously” too bad.  Deal with it lol.