He Bought the Election and now we see he Bribed creepy crawly Fauci
He Bought the Election and now we see he Bribed creepy crawly Fauci
soon to be exposed even more on Saturday. Happy to see Trump back again, will the crowds be bigger than before ???? probably
You almost had to think Trump said what the hell…they cheated their ass off and so lets see what they can do with the Power.
6 months to expose them for what they are….Pick a negative or 20
Then Summer Rallies….will be HUGE !
AND he gets to purge the Rinos and get more Patriot Party Candidates into the Repubs….complete makover
Can’t wait to see what the MSM does with these Rallies.
Maybe Joe Should try a Rally again…
Trump should stop bragging about operation warp speed. Let Clueless Joe take the credit. A year from now, when the damage caused by this operation is more apparent, Trump is going to have great difficulty defending that action.
He had to do it IMO
Politically he had to do it..
I think The Big Pharma and Fauci and gates etc will bear the wrath
Nothing sticks to Trump..