From a Researcher who has already been vaxxed as well as his family.

Long Article but you can see the highlights here .

The death rate from this vaccine is off the charts, more than all 70 vaccines over the past 30 years combined
But this is just the beginning of our story. We have a lot of ground to cover. I’ll talk about Fauci, NIAID, CDC, Congress, academia, Cliff Lane, and more .

Before we jump into the details, here are some key points:

1..At least 6,000 deaths from the vaccine. The OpenVAERS team think it is over 20,000 due to under reporting.

2..Biodistribution data shows massive accumulation in ovaries of the LNP (which instructs cells in ovaries to sprout toxic spike protein). Whoops. That was never supposed to be leaked out. We obtained it via FOIA request. The CDC never told you about that one, did they? Of course not!
82% miscarriage rate in first 20 weeks (10% is the normal rate). It is baffling that the CDC says the vaccine is safe for pregnant women when it is so clear that this is not the case. For example, one our family friends is a victim of this. She miscarried at 25 weeks and is having an abortion on 6/9/21. She had her first shot 7 weeks ago, and her second shot 4 weeks ago. The baby had severe bleeding of the brain and other disfigurements. Her gynecologist had never seen anything like that before in her life. They called in a specialist who said it was probably a genetic defect (because everyone buys into the narrative that the vaccine is safe it is always ruled out as a possible cause). No VAERS report. No CDC report. Yet the doctors I’ve talked to say that it is over 99% certain it was the vaccine. The family doesn’t want an autopsy for fear that their daughter will find out it was the vaccine. This is a perfect example of how these horrible side effects just never get reported anywhere.
25X the possibility of myocarditis for teen boys (can lead to heart failure and death)

3..Kids already have natural immunity (Science Magazine article), so there is no benefit to vaccination, only risk. Have you ever seen the risk / benefit analysis by the CDC?? Ask for it before you consent.

4..No point vaccinating those who’ve had COVID-19: Findings of Cleveland Clinic study. No benefit, only risk.

5..Doctors who attribute adverse events to the vaccine are punished (such as Dr. Hoffe). So under reporting is incentivized.

6..The CDC refuses to say how many people have died and is “still investigating” heart damage in kids even though it is obvious why (free spike protein causing clotting and inflammation). A 25X increase when the only “new” thing is the vaccine isn’t hard to figure out. Ask the CDC for their current top 5 hypotheses for the cause. It will be more than amusing to see what they say. If it isn’t the vaccine, heads should roll.

7..The CDC is deliberately misleading the American people. Check out the side effects page. Death, disability, excessive miscarriage rates, heart attacks, stroke, inability to walk, talk, or see, Bell’s Palsy, persistent pain, Parkinson’s like symptoms, re-activation of shingles, blood clots, etc. are all missing.

8..>500X more deadly than the flu vaccine

9..COVID vaccines have generated more adverse reports in the last 6 months than all 70 vaccines over the past 30 years combined. They missed that one.

10..Defective virus design (s1 was never supposed to be free, inclusion of PEG was unnecessary and allows LNP to be widely distributed)

11..Strong opposition to vaccination by extremely credible voices like Malone, Geert Vanden Bossche, others

12..NIAID (Cliff Lane) is improperly manipulating the COVID Treatment Guidelines to make it appear these drugs do not work, thus giving the world the false impression that the vaccine, even if imperfect, is the only way out. Ivermectin and fluvoxamine have been confirmed in Phase 3 trials. Ivermectin has a very high quality systematic review, the highest possible level in Evidence Based Medicine. Repurposed drugs are safer and more effective than the current vaccines. In general, early treatment with an effective protocols reduce your risk of dying by more than 100X so instead of 600,000 deaths, we’d have fewer than 6,000 deaths. NOTE: The vaccine has already killed over 6,000 people and that’s from the vaccine alone (and doesn’t count any breakthrough deaths).
Vaccines skipped proper toxicology studies in order to bring to market faster. We don’t know what we don’t know.

13..The unpredictable and horrifying side effects of this vaccine on heathy kids, such as the 16 year old girl who was unable to speak and see just 48 hours after being vaccinated

14..Debilitating side effects can happen at any time because vaccine victims are very similar to COVID long haulers (Dr. Bruce Patterson has discovered this) and we all know that long haul can start at anytime (even when the disease is asymptomatic) and could be incurable.

15..Because the vaccine is not perfectly safe, the government is required by law to warn people of the death and disability risks caused by the vaccine and to obtain informed consent. Always be sure to ask for the 50 most serious side effects and how often they happen. And find out whether they will compensate you if you are disabled for life from the vaccine. This is important because the blood clots can form anywhere with this very unsafe virus.

Note: this is a large document and different sections were written at different times so you may find that the numbers may be inconsistent. If you spot an error, please use the comments to point it out.

If you enjoyed reading this article, please follow me on Twitter at @stkirsch so I can keep you apprised of how this story progresses. The more followers I have, the less likely they will ignore my requests for informed consent and data transparency. Also, please share with your friends on social media. Thanks!

New research shows why we should not vaccinate kids
Will we listen to the SCIENCE? Or will will follow the Biden, CDC, NIH narrative blindly? Time to decide.

Tweet from Brian Tyson on June 6, 2021. Does science matter anymore? Or will we just follow the narrative?
In other words, science says that kids are essentially already vaccinated. So giving them a dangerous vaccine has virtually no benefit but significant downsides (like death).

But the academics are too vested in the false narrative to let one study take them down. I predict they will ignore the science and try to discredit it. That’s exactly what they’ve done with fluvoxamine and ivermectin even though all those studies were published in peer reviewed journals too. They are good at suppressing science and convincing the masses that the vaccine is needed and safe, regardless of the actual facts. They believe the Phase 3 studies and consider real world events as anecdotal.