NOTE: The direct email sent out by Dr. Mercola this morning has been censored and the link provided within the email modified to ensure that the reader cannot see the original post. I’ve tried to post it from the original direct mail source again but it may not work.  To be frank, I didn’t know they had technology to interrupt a direct email document and modify the links contained therein — but apparently they do.

Instead of going to the article it pulls up a general google search that is headlined by  a Factcheck as follows:

UPDATE:  The American Red Cross confirmed to Reuters that they are allowing people who have received the COVID-19 vaccine to donate plasma (the liquid component in blood, here ), contrary to claims on social media that this plasma is not being accepted because the vaccine is “so untested”.

The confusion may have arisen over the Red Cross’ policy on convalescent plasma, meaning plasma that has COVID-19 antibodies after recent infection and can be used as a treatment for COVID-19 infection. The American Red Cross’ current policy is to only accept convalescent plasma donations from people who have recovered from COVID-19 and have not had the vaccine. Although, if plasma donated by people vaccinated against COVID-19 has a high-level of COVID-19 antibodies it may be used as convalescent plasma.