Quebec announces $7.5 million plan to push abortion, contraception
Under the Quebec government’s anti-life ‘action plan,’ measures will be taken to counter ‘disinformation’ and expand access to contraception and abortion throughout the province.
Biden secretly awards ex-Planned Parenthood CEO Cecille Richards with nation’s highest honor (Presidential Medal of Freedom) in a clandestine ceremony hidden from the public eye.
During Richards’ tenure as the head of the abortion industry giant, she likely oversaw the murder of millions of American children in utero and allowed the sale of aborted baby parts while the organization reaped billions of dollars of taxpayer money.
Fascinating positions for a province where 54% of citizens are Catholic and for a president that claims similar heritage.
While the geniuses behind that push later end up saying population growth is declinning, so we have to allow more immigration. SHEESH!
You know what…let them abort …who cares anymore it’s mostly stupid ugly libtards anyhow…they should be sterilized out of the gene pool