“Everybody knows I’m Not a Trump Guy
Bottom line…For 8 Years The Establishment tried everything they had and couldn’t stop him…
He IS an existential threat to them so when all else failed under the orders of the president of the United States and or his “handlers” the Establishment tried to kill him . Of this there is No Doubt.”
Impressive half hour from an expert on the subject…Outstanding …watch it All
Clear enough, yeah?
Someone OTHER than Trump himself has to call for third party oversight and involvement in the investigation itself.
That has to be true ANYTIME an agency (or Branch of Govt) would be faced with investigating itself.
Not even sure who that could be though.
Maybe a team of hand picked sheriffs? Watching, with whistleblower authority?
Special Counsil Robert Barnes 🙂
Ritter is making a “suggestion\’ to Congress
A Special Investigation . Go to the Governors and have them sellect their best Law Enforcement Investigators
to serve on this Committee. Secret Service FBI and DHS cannot investigate this impartially …of course…and Americans KNOW this.
Congress and Governors and State Investigators represent the people.
comments begin around 20 min
Any investigation until Trump is in power will be for show, and amount to nothing. I would caution against calling for impartial or independent investigators. There is no such thing in Washington. Trumps AG should guide any inquiry, and that person should be chosen for his absolute loyalty to Trump. I disagree with those calling for RFK to be AG. Remember that two bit shyster, Eric Holder. His job was to protect Obama with his life. Trump fucked up this one once, he’d best not do it again.