Maybe a year ago, I posted something from George Webb and asked if anyone here pays attention to him or the Duke Report (Peter Duke), but got no response.  I like to check in on their stuff, as it’s always deep and interesting, oftentimes with info and understanding I don’t find elsewhere.  Today, I spent much of my morning there and at related links.  I thought this stuff worth sharing:

Main X page for The Duke Report:

‘Saving Private Biden’, June 18 Duke Report (IMO worth listening to in its entirety):

Pale of Settlement (mentioned in Duke Report):

The Leveraged Buyout of America/Corey’s Digs (mentioned in Duke Report – be sure to read the part about Jeffrey Sachs and his interview with Tucker Carlson near the bottom of the page):

Hunter Biden owns 10% of Eplata:

Corey’s Digs Library Catalog, Volume II:

Israel Was In On It (linked in Duke Report):

More about Hamas & Gaza, etc:

And yes, FGC, last year I visited all three sites of yesterday’s terrorist attacks: the Sevastopol beach, Derbent and Makhachkala in Dagestan.