If we look at what is happening in the Church, at the crisis that afflicts Her, at the apostasy that corrupts the hierarchy and the faithful, the events of Palm Sunday seem forgotten, while living right before our eyes we see the horrors of the Passion and the Crucifixion. The Church, which in the past celebrated the triumphs of Christ and preached his Gospel, today seems to have been eclipsed by the Sanhedrin which accuses the Son of God of blasphemy and by the high priests who call for His death.

The society which once was Christian now shouts out its “Take him away; take him away,” spits on the face of the Savior, mocks His tormentors, and calls for His cancellation. Today’s scribes and Pharisees seem determined to place guards to watch over the sepulcher in which the Church lies, as if to avert Her resurrection, which would expose them as liars.
