No one is going to read through all this BUT it is an important piece of the puzzle IMHO
Skimming this article from Sacha Latypova the gal who exposed that the US DoD is Behind this Whole Bioterrorist Attack and who have enlisted the Big Pharmas to be complicent .
The bottom line here is…There is NO Quality Control in the manufacture of these Bioweapons.
They degrade rapidly but at different rates
Most batches have impurities in them as well
They are produced in multiple poorly supervised labs all over the world
Basically they are SHIT in a bottle
So the question is…are the bad harmful batches the ones that are in tact and delivered as intended ( very few) OR are the bad batches amongst the worst degraded ones
ie does the degradation render the batches “USELESS” in their intended purpose…to ill and maim ?
If anyone can get throughall this amazing data…please post your take away in a comment