Last Wednesday, the World Health Organisation (“WHO”) labelled unvaccinated people a “major killing force globally.” WHO is promoting a new video that targets “anti-vaccine activism” by blasting those who choose not to be vaccinated for supporting “anti-science aggression.”

The WHO has made this wholesale condemnation of “anti-vaccine activists” despite the emerging risks of the experimental mRNA shots. However, the WHO’s showcased physician, paediatrician and vaccine advocate Peter Hotez, did not acknowledge these facts in his rant.

In 2002, Alan R. Yurko offered his definition of the term “iatrogenocide” as the extermination of a population in a systematic fashion through medical error.  Toby Rogers sums up what we are now witnessing in his article ‘175 years of scholarship down the drain in an instant’:

“The harms from these injections are the worst disaster in the history of medicine and all of this is covered up by the Fascist Pharma State, its lackeys, and a culture built around iatrogenocide.”