Collecting more negative data on the vaccine isn’t going to change anything. The problem is getting people to consider the possibility that they have been fooled.

We have the data. But nobody we want to convince wants to look at it.

We have plenty of data from respected experts showing the vaccines should not be taken, such as:

  1. the VAERS data (see this tutorial and this recent affirmation and this article on VAERS and causality) showing that hundreds of thousands have died and millions have been injured
  2. the Canadian report showing no benefit for infection, hospitalization, and death for those under 60
  3. the Israeli data showing the side-effects are serious, long-lasting, and caused by the vaccines; and that the authorities are covering it all up.
  4. the Harvard-Hopkins-UCSF study showing it is unethical to mandate vaccination for kids
  5. the Thailand study showing blood test before vs. after
  6. the Fraiman-Doshi paper about serious adverse event rates
  7. the Levi cardiac arrest rate elevation paper
  8. the study by Bhakdi and Burkhardt showing 93% of deaths after vaccination were caused by the vaccine
  9. the data showing the vaccines cause prion diseases shortly after vaccination. This is impossible if the vaccines are truly safe.

and we have amazing, impossible to explain, anecdotes such as: