Donald Trump and Joe Biden Both held rallies in Wilkes-Barre Pennsylvania this week. Here is what they looked like back to back. Incredible.

See any differences?

Trump’s rally proves he hasn’t lost any support after all the anti-MAGA chatter and the criminal investigation. But Biden’s “rally” is embarrassingly pathetic. I’m pretty sure that’s a high-school gym; those look like collapsed bleachers pushed against the wall. Sitting presidents should not be holding rallies in high school gyms. If you can’t fill half a stadium, you shouldn’t do it, full stop.

It’s especially telling because a rally is where Biden should be at his best; man of the people, ordinary Joe, doing what he does best — connecting with the folks. That’s his schtick. But the stiff, robot-arm movements and staccato delivery failed to elevate Biden’s … presence. Without the marine guard bookends and the hellish red backlighting, Biden looks alone, small, and weak; he lacks ‘gravitas.’