Jeff Childers again

There’s an interesting lawsuit unfolding in Canada right now over that country’s draconian travel restrictions, and what is most fascinating is that they’ve finally gotten well into discovery. It may be the first major covid case to take depositions of high-ranking public officials and their cherry-picked experts, and it is starting to look JUST like what we always expected it would look like. I want to show you one recent example, because it reinforces what we’ve known about so-called covid “experts.”

The excerpt from a deposition transcript below is of Dr. M. Hodge, an “expert” the Canadian government principally relied on to pass its unprecedented travel mandates. Dr. Hodge holds a PhD in Epidemiology and Biostatistics. In the excerpt below, the lawyer asks Hodge what studies or reports he relied on to craft his recommendation to ban unvaccinated Canadians from traveling.

Let me sum up Dr. Hodge’s testimony.

1) He said he didn’t use any reports or studies to craft his recommendation.

2) He admitted he did not even bother to ask if there were any studies or reports that he could use.

3) Over a year later, he’s still never found out if there even were any studies or reports that would have supported his recommendation, but he HOPES that those kinds of studies and reports exist.

That’s a professional expert for you. That one man, Dr. Hodge, probably caused more human misery than any single person in Canada’s entire history, and it was just because he felt like it. Then the government put the whole weight of official state violence behind this genius’s deranged opinion.

Over the last two years, I’ve written several long-form essays about experts. I am an expert in experts, as all litigating lawyers must be. We use experts ALL THE TIME, in any case where a scientific, medical, or professional opinion is needed as evidence in the case. There are always at least TWO experts. They say what they are paid to say. And they always say the exact opposite things.

During covid, all the government did was squelch the opposing experts and declare that that science was settled. People like Hodge should have to answer for what they’ve done.

This is how we will get to the bottom of the pandemic. The time of reckoning will come. It comes slowly, in fits and starts, but it is irresistible. Each deposition is a brick that is used to build the foundation for the next level of lawsuits with their own depositions, et cetera, ad infinitum.


Dr. M. Hodge

Anyone got a phone number or address or email for Dr. Hodge

Asking for a Friend


Now would be a good time to review the Basic Laws of Human Stupidity