So, the FBI raids Trumps residence in Florida, supposedly looking for official documents from his Presidency that were supposed to be turned over to the National Archives. Of course that after over a year and subpoena’s and depositions and testimony etc. was it really likely there was anything to be found that wasn’t already in their possession or at least a digital record of what actually exists? I believe this fishing expedition, while could have theoretically turned up some missing, meaningless tidbit of new information, was more about finding out what else Trump might have on Hunter Biden regarding his corrupt business dealings and especially what traitorous deals Sleepy Joe made with China and Ukraine. It is highly unlikely anything new was found to impune Trump. Much like Watergate was about Nixon’s paranoia about what the Dems knew and were doing in the upcoming election, this breakin is more likely about the Dems and Biden’s paranoia, about what Trump might have on them.