As discussed in a couple of recent postings here at Goldtent, Russia and the Brics are moving quickly and steadily to replace the US dollar as the world’s reserve currency. A significant number of non western countries representing well over half of the planet’s population, are aligning to replace the current dollar based payments system. I believe they are far enough along in their plannning to implemnet it, at any time. They may choose to take another few weeks or even months to do so, but I believe the most likely time, is rapidly approaching. Do you not believe that Vladimir Putin and the Chinese would like to “stick it” to the US, at the most ironic time? That would be at the upcoming  celebration of the nation’s birthday, July 4th, effectively ending the US’s reign of global financial leadership. As one article speculated, a Sunday eve. is the likely timing of any announcement. That leaves tonight or more likely next Sunday July 3rd. With the Monday July 4th holiday, the global markets would have all day July 4th to react to the news, while the US stands by in shock as it’s world collapses, Happy Birthday!  The reaction would be chaotic and likely apocalyptic. “Forewarned is forearmed”. Got gold!