This is an INTERESTING Character . Thanks for forwarding Ray from Away

He has a very Interesting Take and Seems like real insight into the Globalists whom he claims from his perspective in Rome and the Vatican are ALL Evil Masons ….”Skull and Bones” being the Number One Protagonist of the Globalists .

He has some very contriversial Ideas and some Ideas that make a lot of sense.

Here is a 7 minute video for example

I wonder if Brother “Bug” is a Gold Bug

Notice however Father Bug has a tic toc video from a young lady who is implying Rand Paul is Controlled Opposition . I watched it and I think it is Bullshit .

Also watched a video where Bro Bug is claiming Dr Malone is also Controlled opposition

So there is a Chance that Brother Bug is the Controlled Opposition .

How far down the rabbit Hole do we go ?


Parabolic Chuck Will Have something to say about this man’s “Take”