If you stop watching each individual headline, diverge your eyes and step back like you’re looking at one of the classic Magic Eye 2D patterns, you just might start to see the 3D mainstream Covid narrative pivot right before your eyes.

“This follows stunning comments from the former chairman of the UK’s vaccine taskforce, Dr. Clive Dix, who said this weekend that we should “treat the virus like the flu,” according to The Guardian. He also said that we should “end mass vaccination after the booster campaign”.

In what is being called a “major rethink of the UK’s Covid strategy”, Dix is now advocating for “reversing the approach of the past two years”, the report says.

Dix said: “We need to analyze whether we use the current booster campaign to ensure the vulnerable are protected, if this is seen to be necessary. Mass population-based vaccination in the UK should now end.”
