Burial costs covered for Canadians killed by approved vaccines — Whoo hoo — bet this makes Canucks feel so much better & safer too!
” the department of health will pick up the tab and says the new program “addresses a longstanding gap in Canada’s national immunization programming by providing a timely, no-fault financial support mechanism for all people in Canada, in rare instances where they are seriously and permanently injured performing a public good, being immunized.”
Do you get to do funeral planning in advance? Casket or cremation — do they throw in a headstone — a choir singing Amazing Grace — this could be just the incentive needed to get those not yet “gene modification injected” to the doctors office!!
I’m ready to deal. I’ll pay for my own funeral if people I wouldn’t vote for in a million years stop trying to kill me.
In Soylent Green, they provided the whole funeral including a video slide show with music. Then, down the chute and away to the cracker factory! As far as these people are concerned, the only good citizen is a dead one.