Chart in comments

Thanks to they have added some new tools, the only problem is if I want to post a chart it takes a snap shot of the screen and then my chart is inert and cannot be altered, when taking time to do a chart the last thing I want to do is redo all that work after I take a snap shot, so this is why a lot of times I post links, if there is another way and someone can help me out with this it would be very much appreciated.

Anyways, here is a GDX chart that whether you agree or not I think has some very eery connotations implicated by the fib tool.

What if we are having what all the Guru’s blame their shoddy analysis on……a cycle inversion. What happens if the dollar rally’s, the SM rally’s and commodities rally, all except gold because gold is the fear trade and fear is diminishing. ??

If gold takes a beating for a term, there are a lot of weak hands out there that are ready to dump to lock in profits, a waterfall event is not out of the question in my mind. Rambus took profits and someone else the other day at gold tent expressed their desire to lock it in, I am sure there are many traders/investors out there that have been beaten and scarred so they can’t be blamed for being gun shy.

Thanks for your attention.
